Thursday, August 25, 2022

What is Stages of Statistical Investigation ?

What is Stages of Statistical Investigation ?

 Statistical investigation is a systematic process of gathering and analyzing data. The stages of statistical investigation are as follows:

1) The planning stage: This stage involves identifying the objectives of an investigation, which may include determining the purpose, scope and limits of a study. It also includes deciding on who will conduct the study and how it will be conducted.

2) Data collection: In this stage, data gathering takes place by collecting information from various sources such as documents, interviews and surveys. Data should be collected in a structured manner so that it can be analyzed later on in the analysis phase.

3) Data processing / analysis: In this phase, data is processed or analyzed in order to obtain conclusions from them. For example, if you want to find out how many people have traveled through your town during the last month then you would need to collect some kind of data about them such as their age group or gender etcetera.. The results of processing these kinds of information can be used later on during preparation for presentation.

4) Presentation: This is one of the most interesting stages because it involves presenting findings in report format with illustrations or graphs which may help readers understand better what they are reading about; usually

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